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You Probably Want to Know Why Things Are Running So Late At The Convention.

You probably want to know why things are running so late at the convention. When you schedule too many speakers all of want to be heard because they have important things to say. It’s hard to give them the hook, so they’re not going to keep them on time.  On one occasion we had to turn off the mikes but today that would be rude.  With that I think I’ll try to remind you a little about most of the conventions. 

Yesterday I got a call from my cousin Adam, who reminded me about the convention in Denver.

Although it was the first time local police were seriously armed with funds received from some federal fund. They weren’t trained but no one got killed who shouldn’t have.

Anyway, whatever there is convention, if I’m there I get credentials and first on my list is to give them to family.  At my convention my cousins worked security. You know no one got up on podium who was not so to be. One cousin stood at the base of the steps to sooth the savage beasts, or VIP’s,  it is always chaos behavior the podium. It does not matter how hard they try.

Usually it you work the convention you get accommodations. In SanFran my business partners were not in the mood for me so I was on my own,  not very nice so I bunked with an ABC friend until David arrived. One cousin who lived there also was a lifesaver and went to work. It is never without drama.  But it’s colorful and fun.

The place I have my hair done was so interesting this morning, all talking about political people,  all loved  the Democratic Party. Wouldn’t it be wonderfully if trump lost Florida. Ok wishful thinking but one can dream.

Speaking of the place I get my hair done. When I was leaving there was a torrential downpour. Even with my hair there was no way I was going out. Then along came Madison, a wonderful young woman with an umbrella. She saw me standing there looking bewildered, stopped and offered to walk we to the car under the umbrella. She did not look like she was going to murder me so I graciously accepted. It was a generous gesture and we got to the car, virtually dry. I thanked her, and asked her who she was going to vote for. She smiled and said is there anyone running but Kamala?  It was a great sign for the future 

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