So You Think You Can Be President, Who Doesn’t? Since this is the first blog on my new site, people have suggested that I write about my vision of my new book, "So You Think You Can be President, Who Doesn’t." Unlike our first book, my writing partner and friend Clay Greager, who passed away last October, wouldn’t like that. He would say, hey girl, move on! Truth is it isn’t easy without Clay. This book is a bit different; still political humor, but times have changed so much that there is a whole lot more.material. But Clay is in my head and with that.... Welcome to my new blog. It will be filled with great stories as well as commentary on the state of politics today. In 1963, while still in high school, a friend of mine asked a few of us if we would like to go to West Point as dates for some of the Cadets who were having a formal dance. Always being up for an adventure, I said, of course. There were four of us who agreed to do this. It was a Friday afternoon and the ga...