There is something I've been meaning to write for days and I keep forgetting what it was. I forget it still. Maybe tomorrow it will come back to me or while I'm writing.
Every time I come to Italy I try to find a market with a chicken truck. Success! It took us hours to find the market because when you ask an Italian for directions they either make them up or if there are with another Italian they start to argue. So you never know where you're going. But eventually we happened upon it.
I've taken pictures so I hope David will post. There were two things I wanted to say so I don't forget.
The TWA hotel was good and it was a step into the past. But when we were ready to leave there was no one to help us with our massive amount of luggage... so if you're going visit, they can't help.
Anyway, Walz was speaking about the opposition and he said it took Trump eleven times to insist that he was not weird.
Speaking of the opposition, last night Maryann and I shared a table with a couple and their friend who was a ranger and then went to Liberty University. The three of them were with an organization called the young Americans for Liberty.
So you know how we're always asking, "who and where are these people who support Trump and don't want an ethics code for the Supreme Court. Well, they were having dinner with us be damned it.
They suggested that Thomas White had taken $25,000 from someone with whom there would be a conflict of interest. Why, one of them said? They just need to be left alone.
At that point Maryanne and I said our goodbyes and fled. It's just another way to think I guess.
We think they have no moral core and they think we're just silly to be concerned.
This mojito is good and I told our friends from Key West how we used to bring our own mint to Louis' Backyard to have a mojito because they always ran out.